The Marketing Minit

Facebook Timeline For Small Businesses: 5 Ways It Will Help

Many of those who are new to Timeline are quick to question the need for yet another new Facebook makeover.  After all, didn’t we just recover from the last one?  The thing is, Facebook’s Timeline is really cool, and it has some great new features that can really improve your business’s online credentials, as long as you know how to use it to its full potential.  Need convincing?  Here are five ways the new Facebook Timeline will help your business:

Your cover art.  Perhaps the first thing people notice about Timeline is the huge, banner-style cover photo that frames the top of the page.  This eye-catching space is a great way to really showcase your business’s logo, your team, and other business-related images in a creative way, and is a marked improvement over the previous Facebook format.

Staying current.  In today’s techno-centric market, staying current is as important to your business’ reputation as is your knack for great customer service.  As people are often slow to accept what they aren’t familiar with, and businesses are no different, you can really gain a competitive edge and prove that your business is current, by learning the ins and outs of Timeline right away and using that knowledge to your advantage.

Easy to Navigate format.  Timeline really is easier to navigate than the old format, plain and simple.  By putting things in chronological order and providing useful navigation tools for your page’s visitors, Facebook is enabling you to provide for your customers your complete company history, and in a visually pleasing format.

New ads.  Along with Facebook’s new Timeline format, the social networking giant has also revamped the look of their ads to fit into Timeline in a streamlined fashion.  The new ads sit on the right side of the page and actually look like content.  Therefore, these ads can be a great new tool for marketing your business.

The highlight option.  Highlight important events, specials, and business announcements on your Timeline to give it a full-page horizontal spread.  This is a great way to put a spotlight on things you really want your customers to know about your business.

Using Facebook Timeline for small businesses is not exactly a complete overhaul of how you choose to market your business through social media; After all, the idea is still to attract people, engage them, and inspire them to send others your way.  For help making the most out of your business’ new Facebook Timeline profile, contact Jeff, Minit Print and More.  We can be reached by phone, at 573-785-0931, or via email:

Jeff K. (12 Posts)

Web Design, Social Media Marketing, Computer Repair, Printer, Paper Cutter, Light Bulb Replacer, and more!